Is one of this "you"?
Welcome to "Ms Authentic"
This is "Call Me Ms Authentic":
Helene's Confidence Tools
4 modules with videos, audios and a PDF workbook
In 4 Confidence Modules on a password-protected course platform, you receive concrete and simple tools, exercises and mindset shifts that will help you grow the confidence to shine as "you" at your workplace and in your relationships - step by step: by judging yourself less, by feeling the relief of being "enough", by building a vision of yourself in your own style.
There is a PDF Workbook to make progress every day, in your own pace.
One thing is for sure...You will leave the programme with a new perspective on how powerful you are - and how much will become possible for you if you keep going.
Learn how to become more independent from what your colleagues "could think". Stop pleasing others by learning how to please yourself: you are enough.
Learn how to beat your perfectionism and how to start feeling comfortable being imperfect - instead of "fitting in" or fulfilling other people's expectations.
Learn how to overcome the moments of feeling "small" although you are a confident woman. You are not "too much" - to the contrary: become an authentic leader by taking your space. Even if that means to disappoint somebody - congrats!
Learn how to overcome your modesty when it comes to your big dreams and achievements. You are here to write your own success story, and in this final week, you'll have your plan ready for it. Welcome to your full potential, Ms Authentic!
As a young woman in senior communication jobs, I tried to "fit in" for a long time: I tried to become stronger, tougher and more assertive. In short: less young, less female. But I failed. I had tried to "please" other people so much that I had lost myself.
In the process I realised that only by being "me", and not by trying to "be someone" will I become a true leader - and only by being fully authentic with my natural female strengths will I can even change work cultures...and my own life at the same time.
So here I am today: I said "no" to my career and "yes" to living according to my own terms. A free entrepreneur working from close to a beach most of the year ;-) So I packed all the confidence tools that helped me to become "myself" on my professional path in the programme "Call Me Ms Authentic". This is my invitation for you to grow in your self-acceptance and confidence - to shine in your full potential.
"Helene is a true inspiration! She speaks from her heart and gives you amazing insights, tools and challenges to develop an awesome mindset for success in life! The best thing is that she really knows how to empower you as a woman [...] with confidence and most importantly; increased self love."
- Elisa, participant in "You deserve more", the beta course of "Call Me Ms Authentic" in June 2020
"Wow Helene is phenomenal, inspiring, pushes you & leaves you with many 'aha moments' & 'oooh I can do that' moments! I've never felt so inspired in a course & workshops.
Helene makes you see things in ways you've never seen them before or you can relate to stuff & realise you're not the only one who has experienced it. I now believe I have the tools to make me a stronger courageous woman. Thank you"
- Ellen, participant in "You deserve more", the beta course of "Call Me Ms Authentic" in June 2020
I can't wait to support you so that you, too, you can start living your full potential! You will not be able to go backwards afterwards ;-)
💛 Believing in you,