Helene Banner

Workshop for Women with Helene Banner

Founder of "Let's Just Be Imperfect, Ladies"

& former Speechwriter at the European Commission

Reserve your seat for the Replay

This is for the powerful woman...

...who knows the feeling of being the only woman in a very "masculine" work environment.

...who has learnt to "blend in" in order to be taken seriously - with her words, her gestures and her style.

...who is tired of the subtle feeling that something "is wrong with her", of being overlooked or mistaken for "the junior colleague".

Join us for the Replay

Let's get together, ladies.

It's time that we trust in our feminine superpowers...

...even in alpha-dominated work environments and even with that intimidating colleague at the other end of the meeting table that keeps giving us that odd "look" when we speak...

It's time for more empathy, kindness and vulnerability in our meeting rooms.

...and I bet you bring those leadership skills naturally with you - you may just have had to learn to come across as "tougher" and "more assertive" in order to feel respected. I feel you!

It's time that we roll out our full potential as women in the workplace...

...not by blaming or fighting anyone, but by shining with our kind and strong feminine leadership style when we speak in meeting rooms and at conferences. Yeah!

Join us for the "The Only Woman in the Room" Training.

Monday 13 February 2023

7pm-8.15pm CET

"The Only Woman In The Room" Training with Helene

In this Live Training...

I'll help you grow your confidence in your natural, feminine superpowers...

...because your empathy and emotional intelligence are not "soft skills", but so much needed to bring more balance and powerful feminine leadership vibes into our meeting rooms.

Learn how to prepare for those alpha-dominated work situations... this workshop, I'll share with you how you can "read" the underlying power structures that can make us feel "small" sometimes. Afterwards, you'll no longer feel that "something must be wrong with you"!

Enjoy the incredible power of being in a room with inspiring women... are not alone, even if you are "the only woman" in your next meeting! Secretly, there are so many women next to you who support you. Meet them in this workshop: let us give each other the permission to roll out our full potential as women!

Hi, I'm Helene.

I am a Keynote Speaker and Women Confidence Mentor who founded „Let‘s Just Be Imperfect, Ladies“ in 2020 to inspire more women to bring their feminine authentic powers to work instead of „fitting in“ into alpha-dominated work cultures.

In my „previous life“ I was often the "young woman" in senior meeting rooms: as political communication advisor I worked as a spokesperson and speechwriter at the European Commission in Brussels and Berlin, most recently as the German speechwriter for Jean-Claude Juncker and Ursula von der Leyen, both Presidents of the European Commission.

In my own "Women Mentoring Circle" (Start: 1 March 2023) and in my keynote speeches across Europe, I bring women together to feel confident in their own, feminine leadership style.

After this Workshop...'ll know how to better handle the "alpha power games" that may be going on in your meetings;’ll leave with concrete confidence tools that you will remember in the next intimidating meeting situation;’ll hold your next presentation with the natural confidence to shine in your very own leadership style.

Helene Banner

Let’s change what is "normal", ladies.

And let us support each other to bring more feminine energy into our workplaces - with our empathy, our emotional intelligence and our feminine superpowers.